Thursday, April 7, 2011


Love is it a beautiful thing or is it the ugliest thing that can happen to a person?  I have been trying to figure out that question for almost ten years now and I don’t think I have come any closer to the conclusion. 
            At one time of my life I bought the idea that love is only an illusion that the foolish buy.  I was very young then.  I am not saying that I have changed my mind now that I am older.  However, that concept has made me who I am today. 
            I am scared.  I have no idea what it is that I am scared of, but I know that I am scared.  Most of the grays on my head were caused by this unknown fear.  I wish I can give you a scientific term to who I am.  I wish I can tell you that I am abnormal and there are only a handful of people like myself.  I also wish I can tell you that I am like everybody else.  Unfortunately, I don’t know how to label myself and I don’t know if I really fit into this world.  If I can find an answer to that question, I might be able to accept who I am.
            The sad part about me is I want to change very much but I don’t want to change because I can sincerely say I love the person that I am.  If I change I am not sure I can honestly say that I embrace myself and all the changes I chose to make are the right one.

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